Amy Jahn

Amy Jahn

Amy Jahn has been working with people for 30 years. Most recently, the last 18 years as a ministry professional on staff in a large New Thought Spiritual Community has allowed her to work with people from varied experiences who earnestly seek a deeper spiritual experience. Her earlier work as a certified rebirthing coach also shaped the skillset of being with people deeply in a transformative way. A successful business owner in the private sector for 20 years, she honed the skill of bringing the highest ideals into grounded, practical daily application. As a student of many master teachers, her introduction to Patricia Albere 6 years ago was profound. The powerful introduction to Patricia’s Mutual Awakening Practice activated a life changing awakening into shared Unity consciousness. In this practice, a sense of expansion, purpose and deeply belonging to all of life was ignited.  A certified teacher of this practice through the Evolutionary Collective, she is committed to bringing others into this field of the miraculous shared Unity consciousness through the Mutual Awakening Practice. 

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Upcoming Courses

This teacher does not currently have any scheduled upcoming Mutual Awakening courses. If you would like to contact this teacher with an inquiry about an upcoming course, please email

Course Amy Jahn


Via Zoom

Next 6-week Accelerator Begins:

Tuesday, May 7th, at 9:30 PT / 12:30 ET

with Amy Jahn

More information and registration here