A 5-Module Course Featuring the Teachings of Contemporary Spiritual Teacher and Best Selling Author Patricia Albere
with Mutual Awakening Teacher Joy Williams Schilling

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Our Evolutionary Future Is Calling us to Move Beyond Separation into Shared Unity
Everyday we wake up inside a reality created by the current paradigm of hyper-individuation, selfishness and separation. For thousands of years, even with its inevitable flaws, our current paradigm has created civilization and our individual development.
But as we know, evolution continues and at certain points quantum shifts occur that begin a new era. This is one of those times, when a momentous leap is possible, a leap that requires our participation and engagement. The era of shared unity beckons.
Right now, it is more important than ever to come together and actively find our oneness, our goodness and our capacity to live a higher order of love as a social reality.
Since the inception of the Evolutionary Collective fourteen years ago thousands of people have been initiated into a 21st century spiritual practice of shared oneness. We know how to move people beyond separation and give them reliable access to shared unity. It requires coming together and discovering a new dimension of our uniqueness embedded in the unity now being given by evolution itself. We call this practice Mutual Awakening.
That’s why contemporary spiritual teacher and author, Patricia Albere, has made it her mission to make the Mutual Awakening Practice – the clearest, simplest and most powerful way for people to access shared unity – available to as many people as possible.
It’s Never Been Simpler to Experience the Profound Benefits of Mutual Awakening
Here’s how it works . . .
During Mutual Awakening: The Essential Guide to WE-Space Meditation, Mutual Awakening Teacher Joy Williams Schilling will expertly guide you each step of the way through the history of and science behind the practice, how the practice came into being and most importantly exactly how to engage the Mutual Awakening Practice so you are fully empowered to practice successfully.
MUTUAL AWAKENING: The Essential Guide to WE-Space Meditation makes it possible for you to engage this deeply transformative practice to:
Locate and connect to the purest and most profound source of your unique existence. Discover and gain direct access to a kind of sacred particularity that flows into the world unhindered by ego restraints and in a dance with our evolutionary future.
Satisfy your inherent longing to be seen, met and supported by other human beings, to energetically experience giving and receiving from a deep, intimate sense of care and concern that attracts beauty and abundance in its wake.
Erase the boundaries between yourself and the other, experiencing deep connection to all of humanity and existence, while still feeling your own distinctness and individuality.
Join others in aligning with the same dynamic force that gave birth to our existence – and that has the power to optimize our lives and move humanity to the next phase of our evolution.
Gain exclusive access to Evolutionary Collective Global, the premiere online Mutual Awakening Practice community that connects people 7 days a week all around the world.
Registration Open

The Essential Guide to WE-Space Meditation:
A Module-by-Module Course Overview
In this live 4-session comprehensive online course, you’ll be immersed in the 5-course modules with the 5th module being a downloadable guided Mutual Awakening Practice. Each session is 90 minutes in length and will include instruction that sets up the practice and time practicing with others, coaching, and Q&A. Each module builds on the next so you’re taken more deeply into this consciousness each time. The course includes two weeks of practice inside the Evolutionary Collective Global Practice Community. There, you will be able to practice daily, if you choose, with people from around the world adept at the Mutual Awakening Practice.

Module One: Your Introduction to Mutual Awakening
In Module One, your teacher will reveal the evolutionary and spiritual orientation for the practice, creating a powerful context for you as you begin to engage in the practice.
You'll also discover...
- What the difference is between individual solo practice and shared unity and why it’s crucial for us individually and collectively to enter into the deeper truth of unity and undeniable connectedness.
- How evolution needs our conscious participation to move humanity to the next level.
- What the ‘wheel of time’ is and how, at particular junctures in history, new spiritual possibilities become available.
- The historical significance of the new era humanity is entering and the consciousness that needs to develop to bring us into that era.
- What the origination point is and how to begin to access shared unity.
- How the leading edge of spirituality is moving from individual to shared consciousness.

Module Two: Moving From Subjective into Intersubjective Awakening
In Module Two we’ll explore the imminent shift from our current paradigm of separation and our subjective experience of ourselves and the world to an intersubjective dimension of awareness, where our uniqueness is embedded within the unity itself.
You'll also discover...
- What the evolutionary impulse is and how aligning with it will deepen and expand every aspect of your life.
- How to come into your Mutual Awakening Practice by moving beyond the conceptual and leaning into evolutionary emergence.
- How engaging and sustaining a Mutual Awakening Practice creates new pathways in our brains, cultivates ‘flow states’, happiness and innate empathy.
- How to move beyond ‘witnessing’ consciousness to ‘flow’ consciousness and spontaneity.
After Module Two, You’ll Have Exclusive Access to Practice Mutual Awakening on…

After attending Modules One and Two, you’ll be ready to practice Mutual Awakening on Evolutionary Collective Global for the remaining two weeks of the course.
You’ll have special access to 55-minute Mutual Awakening practice sessions 7 days a week where you’ll get to practice with people from around the world who are trained in Mutual Awakening.

Module Three: Origin Story & Source of Mutual Awakening
In Module Three you’ll discover how the Mutual Awakening Practice originated through a sustained and shared personal ‘mutual awakening’ that Patricia Albere experienced with her partner, Peter. You will also be introduced to the 8 activating principles of Mutual Awakening and learn to use them to access higher dimensions of love & creativity.

Module Four: Optimizing Your Mutual Awakening Practice
In Module Four you’ll learn how to align with the evolutionary impulse or optimizing force which lies at the source of the Mutual Awakening Practice. These forces allow you to access new dimensions of consciousness and love.
You'll also discover...
- Helpful tips for moving your locus of awareness from self to other to shared unity with ease and fluidity.
- How to effortlessly move beyond witnessing consciousness to inter-penetrative absorption.
- How to move beyond conceptual explanations and descriptions and speak the poetry of the ineffable.
- The important difference between ‘subjective’ focus and ‘intersubjective’ focus.

Module Five: Special Recording: Your Guided Practice
Module Five includes exclusive access to Patricia’s pre-recorded introduction to the Mutual Awakening Practice for you to share with a partner of your choosing. Just like using a guided meditation for solo-practitioners, you and your partner will be guided into your shared practice. A bell will sound at the end of your timed practice, followed by another set of pre-recorded instructions from Patricia that will guide you through to its completion.
You'll also be invited to...
You’ll be invited to listen to this module over and over, as it contains comprehensive wisdom and direct transmission that will allow your practice to deepen over time.
Course Materials & Resources
- 4 Monday sessions with Mutual Awakening Teacher Joy Williams Schilling – where you’ll be guided through a new course module each session.
- Two weeks of exclusive access to Evolutionary Collective Global – The Premiere Online Mutual Awakening Practice Community – where you can practice Mutual Awakening at special practice sessions with Global members worldwide.
- Lifetime access to Patricia Albere’s video and audio teachings of the 5 module Mutual Awakening evergreen course, plus the complete course transcripts so you can replay them repeatedly until the practice becomes second nature.
- The “MAP” Passport – includes lifetime complimentary access to all live and virtual Mutual Awakening: The Essential Guide to WE-Space Meditation courses provided space permits.
Here’s What People Who’ve Engaged the Mutual Awakening Practice Say About How It’s Transformed Their Consciousness and Their Lives
I participate in what’s going on from a connected space.
In the very beginning, the practice takes a little getting used to. After practicing Mutual Awakening for over a year, I’ve noticed that it allows me to have a more present experience of life, dependably. It has helped me more fully connect with the people around me so that I participate in what’s going on from a connected space. I’ve noticed that the practice has softened me and helped me go toward things instead of holding back, making up a story, analyzing or compartmentalizing. I’ve found it easier to discuss difficult, polarizing topics with friends that have different views than mine because of the softening in me.
This is such a joyous, awesome privilege.
I’m absolutely relishing practicing Mutual Awakening. It’s beyond exquisite. The changes I’m noticing in myself include an ongoing dissolving of unsupportive me traits, a deepening peace, the beckoning of more possibilities, more, more. This is such a joyous awesome privilege, thank you. Becoming part of the shared experience of Mutual Awakening with other beautiful hearts is a pristine gift. Indescribable Love!
It gives me hope for the world.
The feeling of connection I experience from the Mutual Awakening Practice carries into my life, making it so much easier, fulfilling and joyous. It gives me hope for the world.
We will gather on Mondays:
April 29th, May 6th,
May 13th, and May 20th, 2024
Your Time Zone
Each day will include one 90 minute session
- Module One: Your Introduction to Mutual Awakening Monday, April 29th, from 2 – 3:30 pm Mountain Time / 1 – 2:30 pm Pacific Time
- Module Two: Moving From Subjective into Intersubjective Awakening Monday, May 6th, from 2 – 3:30 pm Mountain Time / 1 – 2:30 pm Pacific Time
- Module Three: Origin Story & Source of Mutual Awakening Monday, May 13th, from 2 – 3:30 pm Mountain Time / 1 – 2:30 pm Pacific Time
- Module Four: Optimizing Your Mutual Awakening Practice Monday, May 20th, from 2 – 3:30 pm Mountain Time / 1 – 2:30 pm Pacific Time

The Essential Guide to WE-Space Meditation
Please Note: each person planning on attending needs to register separately.
We’re so confident of the value Mutual Awakening: The Essential Guide to WE-Space Meditation delivers we offer a full, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee if you decide you want to cancel your registration within 7 days of the start of the course.
Here’s What Some of the World’s Top Thought-Leaders Are Saying About Patricia Albere and the Mutual Awakening Practice
“A vital evolutionary necessity
Patricia Albere is opening the evolutionary doorway to the next stage of human evolution. Her Mutual Awakening Practice enables us to embody and to connect . . . until we form a new whole being. The Mutual Awakening practice is, I believe, a vital evolutionary necessity for the quantum jump that is imminent when we humans are connected as a whole at the proper scale.”
“Extraordinary moments of connection
“What a powerful and simple way to come together! I’m living extraordinary moments of connection with the Mutual Awakening Practice. Things are powerfully opening up, leading me to unexpected and unknown places of intimacy and connection. I feel tectonic plates are shifting in my personality revealing the next era of Being.”
“The most innovative work now happening
Patricia is doing some of the most innovative work now happening at the leading edge of human evolution. I’m aware of spiritual teachers who are intuiting and talking about the emergence of this ‘Higher We’ but I’m not aware of anyone who is as articulate and well-practiced in bringing people into these fields of shared consciousness as she is.”
“Fresh, compelling, and above all hopeful.
Patricia’s vision is fresh, compelling, and above all hopeful. Her work holds the potent and powerful promise of moving us to the next level of our individual and collective awakening. Because of the path her work is forging, I predict that one day soon, we will find ourselves walking down the street, driving in our cars, or sitting on a subway, profoundly related to and organically connected to those around us, whether we know them personally or not. For when enough of us are awake in this way, we then will know how to solve our many unsolvable problems and co-create a world that we will feel proud to pass on to future generations.”
About Joy Williams Schilling, PhD
Joy has lived heart-inclined, a spiritual beckoning moving her along since she was a child. She came to the Mutual Awakening Practice steeped in experiences as an innovative psychologist and trauma therapist, subtle energy healer, and longtime student in two contemporary spiritual schools. When she experienced Patricia Albere’s ‘origination point’ portal’s power to bring her immediately into a shared unity experience with another willing person, it knocked her socks off. She’s been socks-off and flowing with this dynamic love endeavor since. As a member of the Evolutionary Collective’s core unity body and the teaching faculty, Joy experiences herself these days as sovereign and distinctly herself…repeatedly reaffirmed as on track and in concert in bringing divinity into our evolving humanness. She lives devoted and supported in Colorado in a crescent of the Rocky Mountains with her beloved husband and far-flung family and friends.
About Patricia Albere
Patricia Albere is at ground zero of an evolutionary stream of spiritual awakening. One in which we learn to go beyond individual psychology and transformation into a new space of mutual awakening or ‘inter-being’ or ‘we-mysticism’.
She is the founder and director of the Evolutionary Collective and an internationally known contemporary spiritual teacher and best selling author. Her unique discovery of the essential components that create an awakened ‘we space’ is transforming our understanding of what it possible in the space between us and in creating new fields of higher collective consciousness. Her work creates a powerful field of shared consciousness that reveals previously unimagined potentials for human development that can and is moving humanity far beyond the limits of personal growth. She has worked with over 200,000 people in groups in the last 40 years. Her mastery as a transformative teacher is now innovating a new field of ‘inter-subjective awakening’ and post-personal development.
– Register For Joy’s Course –

The Essential Guide to WE-Space Meditation
Please Note: each person planning on attending needs to register separately.
We’re so confident of the value Mutual Awakening: The Essential Guide to WE-Space Meditation delivers we offer a full, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee if you decide you want to cancel your registration within 7 days of the start of the course.